Stealth Belt will be closed from 12/24 to 1/2 for the holidays. During this time, shipping and processing will be paused, and customer service will be limited. All inquiries will be addressed as soon as we return. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Meet Our

Stealth Belt Ambassadors

The Stealth Belt Ambassadors are people just like you! Whether they’re a competitive athlete or a loving parent, they inspire others to live their best quality of life. The one thing they all have in common is that they’ve returned back to living a lifestyle they find fulfilling after surgery, and they want to share their stories to inspire you to do the same!

Get Involved


Our ambassadors show you how they have returned back to life after surgery in their careers, activities, families, and more.


Our community is a place to interact with our ambassadors. Join our Facebook Support Group to start the conversation. Follow us on Instagram to engage with the Stealth Belt community and gain support, education, and watch live events. Don’t miss out on the ostomate inspired initiatives.


Customer feedback and recommendations are our greatest tool for making improvements as a company. We welcome any and all feedback. Please contact us here to share your feedback.

Global Ambassadors

Our ambassadors show you how they have returned back to life after surgery in their careers, activities, families, and more.

Become An Ambassador

Ambassadors are active participants in the Stealth Belt community. As a Stealth Belt Ambassador you will share how Stealth Belt has impacted your life and helped you to go anywhere and do anything!