Our Ambassador

  • Georgio Kharlakian

    Georgio Kharlakian

    Elementary School Teacher

    When I was diagnosed with colitis 25 years ago and needed to get a temporary ostomy, I thought my life was ruined. The thought of wearing a clunky, awful appliance really made me feel insecure and depressed. I was thankful to know that it was going to be a temporary thing.

    Fast forward 25 years, my j-pouch failed and I was told once again that I was going to wear an ileostomy, but this time it was going to be permanent. However, that did not phase me this time. In fact, I knew that not only would it save my life, but it would bring my quality-of-life back exactly the way it needed to be.

    I gained 40 lbs in one year and have the confidence to move forward whether it be at work as an educator of young children, in my sports world as an ice hockey goalie, and in more intimate circumstances with my wife, all thanks to my Stealth Belt. Stealth Belt has given me the opportunity to keep my appliance lasting longer, to help prevent leaks, and to give me a strong and secure hold that helps solidify my confidence in my decision every single day. I am ever grateful for this company and ever grateful for this incredible invention that has given me my life back.