Our Ambassador

  • Molly Attwater

    Molly Attwater

    Ostomy Blogger & Public Speaker

    Molly has been an ostomate since 2017 when she underwent ileostomy surgery at the age of 22. She has Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder, a variant of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome that affects the body’s collagen, and that condition caused chronic constipation that could be solved only through surgery. Around the time she underwent surgery, she decided to start a social media account to document her experiences and stop the stigma towards ostomies and gastrointestinal conditions. Her account, MollyOllyOstomy, now has more than 20,000 followers and tries to help others facing medical challenges of their own embrace their new normal. She believes in advocating for the ostomy community, particularly for her fellow young adult ostomates. She also firmly believes that ostomates can do everything a non-ostomate can do and tries to prove that whenever she can. Molly lives in Virginia with her fiancé, Thomas.